C++ objects and CMake build system for Parallax Propeller
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
PropWare Namespace Reference

Generic definitions and functions for the Parallax Propeller. More...


class  ADXL345
class  BlockStorage
 Any device that uses blocks as hardware level abstraction. More...
class  CharQueue
 Provide a communication buffer for character data between cogs. More...
class  Comparator
 Provide a way for a PropWare::Scanner to sanitize user input. More...
class  DualPWM
 Dual-pin PWM driver. Requires a cog to run and will use both counter modules in that cog. More...
class  Eeprom
 EEPROM reader/writer. More...
class  FatFile
 A generic interface for all files on the FAT 16/32 filesystem. More...
class  FatFileReader
 Read a file on a FAT 16 or FAT 32 storage device. More...
class  FatFileWriter
 Concrete class for writing or modifying a FAT 16/32 file. More...
class  FatFS
class  File
 Basic file interface for opening and closing files. More...
class  FileReader
 A read-only file interface. More...
class  Filesystem
 Interface for all filesystems, such as FAT 16/32. More...
class  FileWriter
 A write-only file interface. More...
class  FullDuplexSerial
 Converted to C++ using spin2cpp and then modified to become a PrintCapable object in PropWare's arsenal. More...
class  HD44780
 Support for the common "character LCD" modules using the HD44780 controller for the Parallax Propeller. More...
class  I2CMaster
 Basic I2C driver. More...
class  I2CSlave
 Basic I2C slave driver. More...
class  L3G
 L3G gyroscope driver using SPI communication for the Parallax Propeller. More...
class  MAX6675
 K-type thermocouple amplifier driver using SPI communication for the Parallax Propeller. More...
class  MAX72xx
 Serially interfaced, 8-Digit LED display driver. More...
class  MCP2515
 Control and communicate with the Microchip MCP2515 CAN bus controller. More...
class  MCP3xxx
 MCP3xxx-series ADC driver using SPI communication for the Parallax Propeller. Compatible with the following devices: More...
class  NonNegativeIntegerComparator
 Also known as whole numbers, this class will only allow numbers that are zero or greater with no fractional part. More...
class  PCF8591
 A simple 4-channel, 8-bit ADC and single-channel 8-bit DAC both integrated into one chip. More...
class  Pin
 Utility class to handle general purpose I/O pins. More...
class  Ping
 Ultrasonic distance sensor such as the Parallax PING))) More...
class  Port
 Flexible port that can have any pin enabled or disabled. Pins are independent of each other. More...
class  PrintCapable
 Interface for all classes capable of printing. More...
class  Printer
 Container class that has formatting methods for human-readable output. This class can be constructed and used for easy and efficient output via any communication protocol. More...
class  Queue
 A basic first-in, first-out queue implementation. The queue will overwrite itself when the maximum size is reached. More...
class  Runnable
 Helper class for creating easy parallel applications. More...
class  ScanCapable
 Interface for all classes capable of printing. More...
class  ScannableString
class  Scanner
 Interface for all classes capable of scanning. More...
class  SD
 A simple SD driver communicating over the SPI protocol. More...
class  SharedUARTTX
 An easy-to-use, thread-safe class for simplex (transmit only) UART communication. More...
class  SimplePort
 The PropWare::SimplePort is the recommended way to use data ports on the Propeller. All pins are consecutive, which allows for some simple shortcuts in reading, writing, and initialization. More...
class  SPI
 SPI serial communications library; Core functionality comes from a dedicated assembly cog. More...
class  StaticStringBuilder
 Build a statically-sized string in RAM using the PropWare::Printer interface. More...
class  Stepper
 4-pin bipolar and 5-pin unipolar stepper motor driver More...
class  StringBuilder
 Build a dynamically-sized string in RAM using the PropWare::Printer interface. More...
class  SynchronousPrinter
 Print formatted text to a serial terminal, an LCD, or any other device from any cog at any time with no worries about contention. More...
class  UART
 Abstract base class for all unbuffered UART devices. More...
class  UARTRX
 Receive routines for basic UART communication. More...
class  UARTTX
class  Utility
class  WatchDog
 Simple WatchDog object for resetting the chip if it stops responding. More...
class  WS2812
 An easy-to-use, cheap, small, and bright multicolor LED capable of being strung together in a lengthy line. More...
class  YesNoComparator
 Determine if the user answered positively or negatively. More...


typedef int ErrorCode


enum  Bit {
  NULL_BIT = 0x0,
  BIT_0 = 0x1,
  BIT_1 = 0x2,
  BIT_2 = 0x4,
  BIT_3 = 0x8,
  BIT_4 = 0x10,
  BIT_5 = 0x20,
  BIT_6 = 0x40,
  BIT_7 = 0x80,
  BIT_8 = 0x100,
  BIT_9 = 0x200,
  BIT_10 = 0x400,
  BIT_11 = 0x800,
  BIT_12 = 0x1000,
  BIT_13 = 0x2000,
  BIT_14 = 0x4000,
  BIT_15 = 0x8000,
  BIT_16 = 0x10000,
  BIT_17 = 0x20000,
  BIT_18 = 0x40000,
  BIT_19 = 0x80000,
  BIT_20 = 0x100000,
  BIT_21 = 0x200000,
  BIT_22 = 0x400000,
  BIT_23 = 0x800000,
  BIT_24 = 0x1000000,
  BIT_25 = 0x2000000,
  BIT_26 = 0x4000000,
  BIT_27 = 0x8000000,
  BIT_28 = 0x10000000,
  BIT_29 = 0x20000000,
  BIT_30 = 0x40000000,
  BIT_31 = 0x80000000
enum  Nibble {
  NIBBLE_0 = 0xf,
  NIBBLE_1 = 0xf0,
  NIBBLE_2 = 0xf00,
  NIBBLE_3 = 0xf000,
  NIBBLE_4 = 0xf0000,
  NIBBLE_5 = 0xf00000,
  NIBBLE_6 = 0xf000000,
  NIBBLE_7 = 0xf0000000
enum  Byte {
  BYTE_0 = 0xff,
  BYTE_1 = 0xff00,
  BYTE_2 = 0xff0000,
  BYTE_3 = 0xff000000
enum  Word {
  WORD_0 = 0xffff,
  WORD_1 = 0xffff0000


void * get_full_duplex_serial_driver ()


BlockStorage::Buffer SHARED_BUFFER
uint8_t HALF_K_DATA_BUFFER1 []
uint8_t HALF_K_DATA_BUFFER2 []
unsigned char _sd_firstByteResponse
 First byte response receives special treatment to allow for verbose debugging (not for public use)

Detailed Description

Generic definitions and functions for the Parallax Propeller.

Variable Documentation


BlockStorage::Buffer PropWare::SHARED_BUFFER
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 33 of file fatfilewriter.h.