class | ADXL345 |
class | BlockStorage |
| Any device that uses blocks as hardware level abstraction. More...
class | CharQueue |
| Provide a communication buffer for character data between cogs. More...
class | Comparator |
| Provide a way for a PropWare::Scanner to sanitize user input. More...
class | DualPWM |
| Dual-pin PWM driver. Requires a cog to run and will use both counter modules in that cog. More...
class | Eeprom |
| EEPROM reader/writer. More...
class | FatFile |
| A generic interface for all files on the FAT 16/32 filesystem. More...
class | FatFileReader |
| Read a file on a FAT 16 or FAT 32 storage device. More...
class | FatFileWriter |
| Concrete class for writing or modifying a FAT 16/32 file. More...
class | FatFS |
class | File |
| Basic file interface for opening and closing files. More...
class | FileReader |
| A read-only file interface. More...
class | Filesystem |
| Interface for all filesystems, such as FAT 16/32. More...
class | FileWriter |
| A write-only file interface. More...
class | FullDuplexSerial |
| Converted to C++ using spin2cpp and then modified to become a PrintCapable object in PropWare's arsenal. More...
class | HD44780 |
| Support for the common "character LCD" modules using the HD44780 controller for the Parallax Propeller. More...
class | I2CMaster |
| Basic I2C driver. More...
class | I2CSlave |
| Basic I2C slave driver. More...
class | L3G |
| L3G gyroscope driver using SPI communication for the Parallax Propeller. More...
class | MAX6675 |
| K-type thermocouple amplifier driver using SPI communication for the Parallax Propeller. More...
class | MAX72xx |
| Serially interfaced, 8-Digit LED display driver. More...
class | MCP2515 |
| Control and communicate with the Microchip MCP2515 CAN bus controller. More...
class | MCP3xxx |
| MCP3xxx-series ADC driver using SPI communication for the Parallax Propeller. Compatible with the following devices: More...
class | NonNegativeIntegerComparator |
| Also known as whole numbers, this class will only allow numbers that are zero or greater with no fractional part. More...
class | PCF8591 |
| A simple 4-channel, 8-bit ADC and single-channel 8-bit DAC both integrated into one chip. More...
class | Pin |
| Utility class to handle general purpose I/O pins. More...
class | Ping |
| Ultrasonic distance sensor such as the Parallax PING))) More...
class | Port |
| Flexible port that can have any pin enabled or disabled. Pins are independent of each other. More...
class | PrintCapable |
| Interface for all classes capable of printing. More...
class | Printer |
| Container class that has formatting methods for human-readable output. This class can be constructed and used for easy and efficient output via any communication protocol. More...
class | Queue |
| A basic first-in, first-out queue implementation. The queue will overwrite itself when the maximum size is reached. More...
class | Runnable |
| Helper class for creating easy parallel applications. More...
class | ScanCapable |
| Interface for all classes capable of printing. More...
class | ScannableString |
class | Scanner |
| Interface for all classes capable of scanning. More...
class | SD |
| A simple SD driver communicating over the SPI protocol. More...
class | SharedUARTTX |
| An easy-to-use, thread-safe class for simplex (transmit only) UART communication. More...
class | SimplePort |
| The PropWare::SimplePort is the recommended way to use data ports on the Propeller. All pins are consecutive, which allows for some simple shortcuts in reading, writing, and initialization. More...
class | SPI |
| SPI serial communications library; Core functionality comes from a dedicated assembly cog. More...
class | StaticStringBuilder |
| Build a statically-sized string in RAM using the PropWare::Printer interface. More...
class | Stepper |
| 4-pin bipolar and 5-pin unipolar stepper motor driver More...
class | StringBuilder |
| Build a dynamically-sized string in RAM using the PropWare::Printer interface. More...
class | SynchronousPrinter |
| Print formatted text to a serial terminal, an LCD, or any other device from any cog at any time with no worries about contention. More...
class | UART |
| Abstract base class for all unbuffered UART devices. More...
class | UARTRX |
| Receive routines for basic UART communication. More...
class | UARTTX |
class | Utility |
class | WatchDog |
| Simple WatchDog object for resetting the chip if it stops responding. More...
class | WS2812 |
| An easy-to-use, cheap, small, and bright multicolor LED capable of being strung together in a lengthy line. More...
class | YesNoComparator |
| Determine if the user answered positively or negatively. More...
enum | Bit {
NULL_BIT = 0x0,
BIT_0 = 0x1,
BIT_1 = 0x2,
BIT_2 = 0x4,
BIT_3 = 0x8,
BIT_4 = 0x10,
BIT_5 = 0x20,
BIT_6 = 0x40,
BIT_7 = 0x80,
BIT_8 = 0x100,
BIT_9 = 0x200,
BIT_10 = 0x400,
BIT_11 = 0x800,
BIT_12 = 0x1000,
BIT_13 = 0x2000,
BIT_14 = 0x4000,
BIT_15 = 0x8000,
BIT_16 = 0x10000,
BIT_17 = 0x20000,
BIT_18 = 0x40000,
BIT_19 = 0x80000,
BIT_20 = 0x100000,
BIT_21 = 0x200000,
BIT_22 = 0x400000,
BIT_23 = 0x800000,
BIT_24 = 0x1000000,
BIT_25 = 0x2000000,
BIT_26 = 0x4000000,
BIT_27 = 0x8000000,
BIT_28 = 0x10000000,
BIT_29 = 0x20000000,
BIT_30 = 0x40000000,
BIT_31 = 0x80000000
} |
enum | Nibble {
NIBBLE_0 = 0xf,
NIBBLE_1 = 0xf0,
NIBBLE_2 = 0xf00,
NIBBLE_3 = 0xf000,
NIBBLE_4 = 0xf0000,
NIBBLE_5 = 0xf00000,
NIBBLE_6 = 0xf000000,
NIBBLE_7 = 0xf0000000
} |
enum | Byte {
BYTE_0 = 0xff,
BYTE_1 = 0xff00,
BYTE_2 = 0xff0000,
BYTE_3 = 0xff000000
} |
enum | Word {
WORD_0 = 0xffff,
WORD_1 = 0xffff0000
} |
Generic definitions and functions for the Parallax Propeller.